Transparency Code

The Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities was issued on the 17 December 2014 and came into force on the 1st April 2015. The code applies to councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 and is therefore applicable to Barking Parish Council. Under the Code, Barking Parish Council is required to publish the following information on its website:

All items of expenditure above £100

Publish details of each individual item of expenditure

All items of expenditure are listed in each set of minutes during a financial year which can be found in MINUTES. A summary of last year’s transactions can be found in SUMMARY

Annual Governance Statement

Section 1 of the Annual Return with explanations of any negative responses


End of Year Accounts

Section 2 of the Annual Return, Bank Reconciliation, Explanation of Significant Variances and if applicable an explanation of differences between "Balances carried forward" and "total cash and short term investments"


Internal Audit Report

Section 4 of the Annual Return with explanations of any negative responses


List of Councillors Responsibilities

Name of councillor showing committee and function and representation on external local bodies


Location of public land and building assets

Details of all public land and building assets  ASSET REGISTER

Minutes, Agendas and papers of formal meetings

Publication of draft minutes from all formal meetings within one month and publication of meeting agendas and associated meeting papers not later than 3 clear days before the meeting to which they relate is taking place.